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Interview with Pragati Sidana (Foodforsoul13)

Interview with Pragati Sidana (Foodforsoul13)

Today we have a budding writer or some might say a Poetess with us, Pragati Sidana sole admin of Foodforsoul13 Instagram account. Her profile suggests that she is a weird girl with even weirder thoughts. I’ve known her for more than a couple of years now, and I think she is a very sweet and charming girl and she is not weird at all. 😜

Interview with Pragati Sidana (Foodforsoul13)

So, I asked her a few questions on, how her journey has been on Instagram until now. It’s been less than a year, and she is doing pretty well. Let’s jump straight on to the questions.

So Pragati, How is to be a raw writer amongst the thousands of other Indian writers on Instagram?
 To be very honest, I didn't know there were so many people who are into writings until last August when I started my page on Instagram. I was on Instagram before but didn't know about the writers much.
And sometimes I feel like people are joining writing community not because they are a writer, or they wanna be a writer but they are doing it under peer pressure. But it's my opinion I can't tell much.

When did you get to know that you were in love with words?
I was 11 years old; I had a diary because I had a hobby of writing but not anything fancy just some memories. I used to note them down so I don't forget any moments in my life. But one day I was sitting in my cupboard (my favorite place to write) and I wrote a poem, I lost that diary but I still remember few lines from my first poem.

Do you search for difficult words or synonyms in order to make your post look good?
Duh, yeah I do. There are people with such fancy lines that I sometimes don't even understand their post.

What are your future plans? Are you planning on taking a step forward and writing a book?
I was writing a book but somehow I am not doing it right now. But yeah in future I will write a book. I have a story but I don't think so it's good enough to get published. So till then, I am going to read a lot so that I will create a beautiful piece.

Do you try to follow other people in order to gain followers on Instagram?
I don't but I let a script do that for me, I am clever ain't I?

This was Pragati Sidana with us on the first blog in this segment of raw writers of Instagram. You can follow her on Instagram at @foodforsoul13. I will try to bring in a new budding writer every week and will be asking them a few questions about writing and some about social issues of our society. So, make sure you bookmark the website so you never miss the answers from your favorite writer.

Also, if you have a writer in mind who you want to see here or some interesting questions you want these writers to answer then let me know in the comments or hit me up in the DM of Instagram @thekeeperdiaries. You can also contact me at for any suggestions or feedback.

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